Thursday, May 14, 2009

Book review: Rich Dad's Retire Young Retire Rich by Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad’s Retire Young Retire Rich – Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki is the author of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad (I have also reviewed his book Cashflow Quadrant). This is the fifth book he has released under the ‘rich dad’ brand. The basis of this book is explaining how he was able to start with nothing and retire nine years later financially free. The focus is on the different forms of leverage and how you can use them for your benefit. The main message is to expand your ‘context’ or your reality. The last section in the book discusses specific investments such as real estate, paper assets (shares, options) and businesses.
Like the other Rich Dad books, the author contrasts the things his ‘rich dad’ and his ‘poor dad’ have said to him in the past. The focus is on helping you understand that what you believe and say will ultimately determine what type of person you end up as (as in poor, middle class or rich). As the author would say ‘the words became flesh’.

What I gained from reading this book:
I gained so much from the Rich Dad Poor Dad book. Read through that review to see how important I feel it is. This is the third book of his that I have read. He has made some really good points in this book and other points I didn’t agree with. But I did gain from this book. The idea of expanding your context and opening your mind is a powerful one. While I was reading certain chapters I wasn’t too interested in what was being said but after I finished the book I began to notice the truth in the points he made. The examples he made of people not willing to open their mind to possibilities would fit some of my friends perfectly.
I already knew the points he made on shares and options (I studied them at university) so I didn’t learn anything new there but the explanations are well done. This book really does a good job at improving your ‘context’ as the author would say. In other words, it opens your mind to the possibilities of doing things that you would normally never consider.
Although I am not rich yet, I do feel that these books are helping me and improving my future prospects. This book doesn’t look at investment specifics because there are plenty of books on the topic. This book looks at helping you accept that it is possible to get rich (which many people including my friends don’t accept as a possibility).

Introduces people to some basic concepts in shares, real estate and options. The conversational style of writing is easy to understand. The book can really help open your mind to possibilities that many people would never accept. The explanations on the different forms of leverage are very useful in real life.

Some people may not like the use of fairy tales to make points. Others may not like the repetition the author uses. Basically, if you did not like his other books, you won’t like this one. If you haven’t read his other books, I recommend Rich Dad Poor Dad over any others.

Recommended for: Those wanting to be rich or successful
I recommend this book for people who seriously want to be rich or successful one day. I say ‘seriously’ because I know many people who say they want to get rich but won’t do anything about it. If you don’t want to put effort in, this book won’t be useful to you. If on the other hand you really aim to put the effort in to try to get rich, this book (as well as his others) can really put things in perspective.

Genre: Investments and personal finance

Overall rating: 7 out of 10 stars

Australians can buy the book by clicking the picture below:

Rich Dad's Retire Young, Retire Rich: How to Get Rich Quickly and Stay Rich Forever!

Where to from here:
If you are interested in reading other books by Robert Kiyosaki, I have reviewed other ones here:
Rich Dad Poor Dad
Cashflow Quadrant
Why we want you to be rich by Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump

On the other hand, you may want to consider reading books looking at ways millionaires become rich:
The millionaire next door by Thomas Stanley and William Danko
Ten roads to riches by Ken Fisher

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